"Google Apps recently launched an improvement that made dozens of exciting Google services available to Google Apps users for the first time. As part of this launch, Google Reader is now available to our Google Apps users for free with their Apps accounts."While it's gratifying to feel welcomed, my GooG Apps account has had reader and a number of other GooGly GooDies longer than that. A few months, like. We even got Wave in the deal! But wouldn't you know it, we were screwed in the Orkut, YouTube and BUZZ departments.
No one is saying when - or if - the good people of GooG Apps Island will ever see those delicious gems of Goodness.
Which is a crying shame, because even with the nice notices GooG places at the top of Reader that remind me which account I'm using (bless you for that) I still am miserably confused when it comes to which OpenID I used to create oh, say, my Diigo account. Or which GooG Blogger is carrying which Blog.
I know, it's a small thing, but if I was working and not just schooling full time, I'd never have the time to de-tangle my synapses from the different accounts, and the different application accesses each have.
But Hey, things are going to get better, right???